Worship Services:

Sunday worship at 10:00 AM

In worship we hear the word of God proclaimed and celebrate
the presence of God with us through the means of grace. 
Worship at First Lutheran Church includes prayer, congregational singing, 
scripture readings, a sermon, and holy communion.  Please join in
a time of fellowship and refreshments following each service.

Sunday School Classes for all ages at 9:00 AM.
Here are answers to some questions you may haveabout visiting us at First Lutheran:

What is being Lutheran all about?

Lutherans embrace the teaching of Martin Luther, a 16th century monk and preacher who began the reformation of the church. We are named after him in honor of what he taught us about the love and forgiveness of God. Luther taught that we can do nothing to get to heaven. God is the one who forgives us and welcomes us into life eternal. Because we are forgiven and loved, we are called to act as a follower, not to get into heaven, but out of thanks for what we are given.
Our church is a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a church body of 5 million people from around the United States.

Where do I fit in
(when I don’t know what to believe)?

Our community is a group of wanderers all seeking God at different stages in life and faith. We are all on a journey from lost to found. We welcome all people, wherever they may be. Join us as we tackle questions and seek God together in a prayerful and intentional community.


Are you going to tell me
what’s wrong with me?

If someone tells you the good news, and it doesn’t sound like good news, it is not good news!Our message is based on God’s never ending love for all of creation. We are loved so much, Christ has set us free from what weighs us down and gives us new hope. Our community is based on this hope. We are not a community that dwells in what we have done wrong, but rejoices in how we have been forgiven. We are a church that celebrates daily the good news in Jesus.


Do I have to stand up in front of people?

Some churches ask visitors to stand up and introduce themselves to the congregation. While we applaud their desire to get to know their guests, some people may not be comfortable doing this.

Our congregation is a community of very warm and welcoming members. This is one of our great gifts. We are sure you will come to know those who are around your seat in worship.


May I just come and see?

You are welcome to come to church to see what life is like in our community. As a guest, you are always welcome to join us anytime.

Will I know what to do
during the church service?

Our worship bulletin has information in it about when we stand, when we sit, what songs we sing, even announcements and scripture passages. This is done to make worship with us as simple and easy to follow as possible. We use two different hymnals (Evangelical Lutheran Worship and With One Voice), both of which can be found in front of you in the pew. There are also ushers and your neighbors in worship who would be more than happy to help out!

Are my children welcome?

ALL CHILDREN ARE WELCOME in our community gatherings and in worship. We are a young church and are used to the delightful sounds of youth in our midst. Should your child need a break, we also offer a  nursery staffed by trained leaders who will provide a safe place of care. In addition you will find a children’s corner in the back of the nave where there are places to sit and activity bags for the children to use there or in worship.
We have a wonderful Sunday School program for all ages beginning at 9:00 AM.  We also have an active youth program for 5th through 12th graders that meets on many Sundays and attends weekend retreats and programs year round.

Do I have to dress up?

Absolutely not! Come to our community and you will see some people in dresses and suits and others in jeans and tee shirts. ALL ARE WELCOME, no strings attached.

Do you want my money?

In a word, no.Our community is a giving community. Members of our church see Christ in every part of their life, including their time and monies. We are pleased the way in which our gifts are making a difference here and around the world through service opportunities. Opportunities to give of our time, talent, and treasure are a growth out of membership in our community. Visitors are welcome and not expected to give. You are our guest!
In time, if you should become a regular part of our life, you may decide that you would like to participate by giving of your time and possessions to the work of this church. We are looking to grow joyful Christians excited about the work of God in this church and in their lives.

What if I have other questions?

Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
We would be happy to respond right away.